
Childcare Registration Form is available as a PDF. Click here.

Childcare will be provided only to current members and pre-registrants. Review listed requirements.

Registration form is due January 31, 2020

  • Children enrolled in childcare must be toilet trained.
  • Parent must be registered for the conference prior to submitting the request.
  • Pre-registration is required. The NACCS Child Care Registration form and the Waiver Indemnity Agreement form are due January 31, 2020 (postmarked). A waiver must be signed for each child. If no waiver is submitted, childcare service cannot be offered. Please attach these completed forms to your pre-registration form for processing. On-site childcare registration will not be available.
  • Regular meals and snacks for children enrolled in the day care program are the parent’s responsibility.
  • We request that parent not bring children who are ill. Childcare attendant will administer no medications.
  • If parent registers a child and does not use scheduled service, parent will be liable up to $500.  You will be contacted in a follow up message after you register your child to explain this requirement and to make arrangements.

 Questions can be address to Ex. Director, Dr. Julia Curry at