
Editorial Committee
The Editorial Committee shall consist of four members of the Association, one of whom shall be the Program Chair of the Conference Site Committee, if the individual chooses to serve in this capacity. Members of this committee will be selected by the National Coordinating Committee from a list of nominees submitted by the FOCOs and Caucuses. Each FOCO and Caucus will annually nominate one individual to be considered by the Coordinating Committee to serve on this committee. Nomination requires a one-page resume. This nomination will be submitted to the Coordinating Committee who will then elect members. If no nominees are forthcoming from any or all FOCOs or Caucuses, the Coordinating Committee will appoint members to fill any vacancy according to the guidelines. The Coordinating Committee should also select two alternates from the list of nominees. At least one member must be in the humanities and another in the social sciences.

The Editorial Committee oversees the editing and publishing of NACCS conference proceedings. The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and selecting papers presented at the National Conference. Each member shall serve on the Committee until the proceedings have been published. The former Chair of the Editorial Committee shall serve on the Committee as an advisor to the new Editorial Committee.

Development Committee
The Development Committee is facilitated by of a Chair appointed by the National Coordinating Committee. The Committee shall include various members but no less than three other members who are appointed by the National Coordinating Committee. This Committee shall develop proposals for a permanent endowment and other funding for Association.

Policy Committee
The Policy Committee is comprised of three members appointed by the Coordinating Committee. The Ex-officio Coordinator acts as Chair of the Policy Committee. The Committee shall update the Association's Bylaws as needed and required by resolutions passed by the body. The Policy Committee shall also be responsible for collecting resolutions passed at the annual conference. In addition, the Policy Committee will also provide the Coordinating Committee with recommendations of new articles and/or sections that need to be addressed in the Association. If the Coordinating Committee approves the recommendation(s), these shall be presented to the membership for a vote and ratification as stipulated in Art. XIV. Other policy related actions may be assigned by the Coordinating Committee.

Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee is not a standing committee; rather it is an ad-hoc committee consisting of three NACCS members. The appointed ad-hoc committee is created with the explicit purpose of reviewing grievances related to the conduct of the official NACCS membership at the annual conferences. The Conference Coordinator with the approval and direction of the Coordinating Committee appoints the Committee. This appointed committee has two functions: 1) to investigate and document complaint(s) by NACCS members against NACCS officers, members, and/or NACCS as a whole; 2) to request from aggrieved members written documentation of their complaints from their own perspective.

The complaint documents will be presented to the Conference Coordinator who will then submit them to the Coordinating Committee at its next business meeting. The Coordinating Committee will review the facts as stated in writing by the aggrieved person and the one allegedly committing the cause for complaint. If the allegations are sufficiently substantiated, the Coordinating Committee will sanction the member or members as stated in the Association's Bylaws. [See Appendix III for grievance committee procedure.]

NACCS Scholar Committee
The Coordinating Committee will appoint a Chair to this Committee. The Chair of this Committee is responsible for receiving the materials for nominated scholars and distributing copies to the Coordinating Committee members. Deadlines will be set by the Coordinating Committee in consultation with the Chair, if possible. The Chair is responsible for notifying the Coordinating Committee of the outcome of the competition.

Student Premio Committee
The Coordinating Committee shall appoint a Coordinating Committee member to Chair this committee. The Chair of this committee shall solicit readers for review of the papers. The Chair is responsible for notifying the Committee, the review committee, and the student participants of the outcome.

Awards Committee
The Awards Committee will review current award criteria and develop new criteria with the Chairs of the Student Premio and NACCS Scholar Awards as needed. The Committee shall also recommend and develop criteria for new awards for the Association. Committee recommendations will be reviewed and approved by the Committee and voted on by the membership. The Coordinating Committee will appoint a Coordinating Committee member to Chair this committee and appoint at least two other members to this committee.

Establishment of Committees
The Coordinating Committee shall establish ad hoc or standing committees as necessary.