All final details will be available to conference registrants.
All Plenaries are open to the public.
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Plenary I: Thematic Plenary
Opening Plenary Noon-1:20 p.m. PST
50 Years of Leadership: A Discussion of Need, Challenges, and Change
Maria Gonzalez, Program Chair and Chair-Elect.
Reynaldo F. Macias, 1975-1976 NACS Coordinator & 2004-2006 NACCS Chair.
Tatcho Mindola, 1988-1990 NACS Coordinator.
Luis Torres, 1993-1995, NACCS Coordinator.
Julia E. Curry Rodriguez, 1999-2000 NACCS Coordinator and NACCS Executive Director.
Plenary III: Chicana Plenary
Chicana Plenary Noon-1:20 p.m. PST
Demanding Space: Chicana and Lesbian/LBMT Caucuses Decentering Patriarchal Heteronormativity within NACCS
Nancy "Rusty" Barceló. NACCS Scholar 2012.
Sandy Soto. University of Arizona.
Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz. Trinity University
Anita Tijerina Revilla. Los Angeles State University.
Yvette J. Saavedra. Chicana Caucus Co-Chair. University of Oregon
Millán, Isabel M illán . Chicana Caucus Co-Chair. University of Oregon
Book Award
2022 Recipient
Antonia I. Castañeda Prize
Frederick A. Cervantes Student Premio
2022 Recipient TBA
Noche de Cultura