Conference Proceedings

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Call for Submissions

Conference Proceedings

NACCS 2024 San Francisco, CA

Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2024

Send submissions to:

NACCS welcome submissions for the 2024 Conference Proceedings. We invite all presenting participants at the Annual NACCS Conference to submit their presentations for the forthcoming edited volume. The Annual Conference Proceedings will be published in electronic format. We encourage NACCS members that presented papers to submit their work.

Submissions should be in Word format, double-spaced, and a maximum of 25 pages. In addition, submissions should follow a standard writing format such as the MLA, ASA, APA, or the Manual of Style by the University of Chicago. Authors will retain rights to their work. Please send submissions via email only.

Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2024

Send submissions to:

Quarterly reports are emailed from BePress to authors regarding downloads, please provide an email that will be of long term use.

For more information contact:Eddy Alvarez, Ph.D.

See articles on Open Access via San Jose State University.

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Annual Conference
From 1993-May 2024, the most popular papers were:

Noticias de NACCS

Noticias de NACCS had 135 full-text downloads. The most popular papers were:

Noticias de NACCS, vol. 31, no. 2/3, Summer/Fall 2004 (26 downloads)
Noticias de NACCS, vol. 29, no. 3, September/October 2002 (25 downloads)
Noticias de NACCS, vol. 36, no. 1, Spring 2007 (10 downloads)

Noticias de NACCS now holds 54 records, which have been downloaded a total of 3220 times.