Submit a Proposal - no further proposals are being accepted. 

For the opportunity to present at the annual conference, you must first submit a proposal.  Deadline for all submissions is November 15, 2022.   Notification on proposal review will be emailed by January 8, 2023.

To present: If your proposal is accepted, individually or all of your panelists, must be members of NACCS and register for the conference (fees not available yet).  Please confirm with all your panelists to confirm participation prior to submission. Other information like presentation titles, institutions/organizations, and emails for each participant is needed. 

Review of proposals: Each proposal must include an abstract with a clear focus of study indicating a written product (or any other formal academic research format) not merely anecdotal observations. Your abstract must be 250-300 words.

The program committee will assess submissions in terms of the following criteria:

     (1)   Scholarly merit as stipulated in the NACCS preamble, including the generation of new knowledge, problem-solving in the community, understanding our position within society, study/analyses of our communities, or theory construction.
     (2)   Quality of the work to be presented.
     (3)   Completed status of the work to be presented. Proposals on works in progress should be submitted after completion of the research.

Additional information regarding submitting is provided below. Please read the remainder of the the information before submitting. If you should have any questions, contact naccs @

Single paper submissions are designed to be presentations of research results, significant interpretive work, or of critical projects. Accepted single papers will be integrated into a 3 or 4 paper panel. If you would like to be placed on a panel with a particular person, please make this request in the comment box at the end of the form.  We will make an effort to comply with your request.

Collaborative/Team Panel:
This proposal consists of presentations made by research teams reporting on ONE project. Only one abstract is required.  The team  must be a minimum of three researchers and no more than five. NOTE: If your Collaboration involves only two presenters,  submit your presentation as a co-authored single paper.

Thematic Panel:
A thematic panel consists of 3 or 4 presenters reporting on different projects that share the same or similar research question, methods, or topic, event, issue, or teaching endeavor. Each presenter must include an abstract. A minimum of three presenters are required. Often the proposal will include a discussant and/or moderator/chair. Please include all individuals and their proposed roles within the panel on the form. 

A workshop is designed to be a hands-on presentation. E.g., teaching, technical assistance, with participant activity. It may include a performance or cultural production, curriculum development and/or a demonstration. A minimum of 3 presenters are required.
A roundtable is designed to provide 4 or 5 presenters the opportunity to discuss a single  subject (e.g., ethics within Chicana/o Studies fieldwork, administration, publishing, tenure process, etc.). Only one abstract is required. A minimum of three presenters are required.

Provide Title, Duration, abstract, and contact. You will be required to bring the DVD and a laptop to show the film. Only an LCD projector/screen and speakers will be provided.  Sessions are allocated 80 minutes.  Short films will be organized into one session.

Poster Session:  
A poster session is designed to allow the combination of text and graphics for a visual presentation.  Participants will be able to discuss their research in a less formal setting. The poster session will be hosted on the Friday of the conference. Be certain that you will be able to attend that day for presentation.  You are responsible for bringing and setting up your poster.


Format of presentations
Presentations may be proposed in several formats: single papers, collaborative/team research, thematic panels, workshops, roundtables, films and posters. Please select the appropriate category for your proposal. At the end of each form there is a Comment box. Use the Comment box for information that does not fit within the limits of the form like special requests or a co-authored presentation. Sessions are 80 minutes long.   Panels consist of  3-4 presenters, each presenter should expect to have 15-17 minutes to deliver their paper and to insure time for Q&A.

Required information for submissions: Paper/Panel title, abstract(s), name(s) and email(s) of presenters, and AV requirement.   Only projectors will be provided but must be requested in the submission form.  Presenters must provide the appropriate laptop and cords for connectivity.  If you  do not request AV with your initial proposal, no AV will be provided.

Wi-Fi should be available in the meeting rooms but access to wi-fi may be at presenters expense. And NACCS cannot guarantee connectivity if used for a presentation.

Please Review Before Submitting
You are encouraged to pay member dues when submitting your proposal, however current membership is not required to submit. If your proposal is accepted for presentation, each presenter is required to pay both member dues and registration fees. Membership dues range from $40.00-$200 based on an income scale.  Registration fees range from $95.00-$400. Registration will be available in December.  You are highly encouraged to pay dues and fees early to support conference planning.

Panel Organizers, please have the following information from your panelists:

  • Confirm that all panel participants can attend the meetings during the selected dates. 
  • Have the complete namesinstitutions (school/community organization), and email for each panelist.  Email is very important, as this is the method we will be using to communicate with you and your panelists.
  • Confirm AV needs. Once the assignment process has begun it is nearly impossible to adjust AV need.
  • Depending on the type of submission, you will also need the title of the presentation and abstract for each panelist. Providing incomplete information upon submission will mean 1) Incomplete information in the program and 2) Additional work for the NACCS staff.  While we understand that the paper title and presenters might change from the time of submission to the time of the conference, we do ask that you be as complete as possible in the submission process. Do not submit duplicate submissions to correct or update a past submission.
  • If your proposal is accepted, all expenses (membership dues, registration fees, etc.) are your responsibility. NACCS does not pay honorarium or any other type of compensation to presenters.